When people look back at their youth it's often through rose tinted spectacles and everything seems like it was much better back then. The food you ate had more taste and the days never seems to end. These days there is not much that you can put your finger on and say that it is definitely better now. That is apart from NHL games for Xbox & Playstation game consoles.
You no longer have to push a white dot which is supposed to be your puck around the screen. You also no longer have to control featureless white matchstick men around a rink either. You do on the other hand still have to play the game for enjoyment. Not all games have advanced their game play to keep up with the increased ability of the platform they are written for. Lots have relied too much on the game's graphical presentation and not enough on the actual gaming essence. No matter how good something looks, it still has to be great fun to play and that is what games players will look for. Some of the best games in history were never that good looking but you just had to go back for more. One of the most famous video games ever was built around a ball dodging assailants in a maze and eating other balls on the way. Another very famous title which is still around today was just based on falling blocks that had to be arranged as they dropped. The thing that games developers back in the day knew is what people really liked in a game. They didn't have the ability to display a few thousand fans jumping up and down every time a ball hit the back of the net in a hockey game. Well even if they had the ability then they didn't have the processing power of today's machines.
So with all the information, the game play and the good presentation in today's NHL titles, it's no surprise that they are as popular as a child with sweets in a playground. Like all games consoles and the sports titles that go with them, the hockey titles have progressed a great deal.
It's the clever people who make the games that have made sports games of today such as hockey, look good and still keep the game play of the games of old. They realized a long time ago that your couldn't just paint a pretty picture on the screen, you had to actually let the player live it too. They now know that there is no point in releasing a game on to the market that is not up to speed. Especially not when the game in question is carrying the NHL brand.
People and especially the younger generation of today are extremely luck to be able to play NHL games for Xbox & Playstation game consoles the way that they do. So much has been done over years of development that it's hard to comprehend what early games were like. Suffice to say they were cumbersome at best.